The 4-year program
The Army ROTC program is offered in addition to your regular college classes and allows you to pursue almost any major you choose. The first two years of Army ROTC course electives are the Basic Course, followed by the two final years of the Advanced course. Cadets attend Advanced Camp the summer between junior and senior year, a 35-day training event designed to develop a cadet’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills and test their leadership abilities.
Below is a sample schedule of what to look forward to:
Fall | Introduction to the Army (2 cr.) | Leadership and Decision Making (3 cr.) | Training Management and Warfighting Functions (3 cr.) | The Army Officer (3 cr.) |
Spring | Foundation of Agile and Adaptive Leadership (2 cr.) | Army Doctrine and Team Development (3 cr.) | Applied Leadership in Small Unit Operations (3 cr.) | Company Grade Leadership (3 cr.) |
Summer | Cadet Leadership Course / Advanced Camp or Army ROTC Nursing |
Scholarships and Financial Aid
The Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps offers merit based scholarships to Capital University students who are eligible and desire to serve in the US Army as a commissioned officer.
There are many different avenues to applying for and receiving financial assistance depending on where you are in your academic journey.
The ROTC Scholarship covers either tuition and fees or room and board. Room and board option pays out $10,000 per year tax free. There are other benefits such as:
- $1200 annual book stipend
- $420 monthly allowance during the school year (up to 10 months per year)
Through Army ROTC you can also enlist into either the Army Reserve or the Army National Guard while simultaneously becoming a cadet and working towards commissioning as an officer. We call this the Simultaneous Membership Program or SMP for short. You enlist and go to basic training and often advance training to become trained and qualified at a specific military job.
Cadets not wishing to take either the scholarship or join the Simultaneous Membership Program can still contract as a cadet. Even without accepting a scholarship, contracted cadets still receive the monthly $420 per month stipend.
Please see our Financial Aid pages for a full Cost of Attendance estimate and Net Price Calculator.
For more information on scholarships and aid available, please explore the list below.
Scholarship Information for...
Interested in Army ROTC? Great! If you are a current High School Student, you can start your ROTC journey by applying for an Army ROTC Scholarship! The National Army ROTC Scholarship program is run by the U.S. Army Cadet Command. The deadline to apply for a four-year national scholarship is January 10 of your senior year of high school.
If you are not selected for a national scholarship, that is by no means the end of the road. The national scholarship program is very competitive. There is additional scholarship money available in the hands of the Capital University Army ROTC department that may be available to you.
Even if you did not get a chance to apply for a scholarship in high school, you can still participate in Army ROTC by coming to classes and labs on Thursdays.
Do you qualify?
Minimum Qualifications:
- US Citizen or Permanent Resident
- Full-time enrolled at Capital
- Must be willing and able to conduct physical exercise
Expect to be asked questions about your grades, physical fitness level, medical history and criminal record.
If you’re currently an Enlisted Soldier on Active Duty and you want to become an Officer, the Green-to-Gold program is for you. The Army Green to Gold program provides options for currently serving active duty enlisted Soldiers interested in pursuing a baccalaureate or graduate degree and earning a commission as an Army Officer. Selected soldiers can leave their units to pursue a college degree, leadership training and development through Army ROTC and a commission as an officer in the U.S. Army.
If you still have at least two full years of work left in your degree, it is not too late to join our Army ROTC program! The Army offers two and three year scholarships to help you finish your degree. You are more than welcome to attend class and lab on Thursdays and you can even compete for a scholarship to pay for the remainder of your schooling! Contact us at the link below to learn more.
The ROTC Scholarship covers either tuition and fees or room and board. The room and board option pays out $10,000 per year tax free. There are other benefits such as:
- $1200 annual book stipend
- $420 monthly allowance during the school year (up to 10 months per year)
Simultaneous Membership Program with the Army National Guard or Army Reserve “Simultaneous” means students who are at the same time:
- Full-time college students (sophomore, junior, senior, or grad students)
- Currently serving (or willing to enlist) in the USAR or Army National Guard
- Enrolled in Army ROTC or plan on being enrolled in Army ROTC
In the SMP you participate in unit training with your USAR or ARNG unit one weekend a month, while earning your commission through ROTC. Upon college graduation, you will be commissioned as an officer in the Army, and have the option of either serving full-time on Active Duty, or part-time in the Army Reserve or Army National Guard.
By enlisting into a reserve component you also qualify for in-state tuition rates. If you are job (MOS) qualified and a current member of a reserve unit, WSU will take half off of your in-state tuition bill every semester. There are numerous financial benefits from both the Army Reserve and ROTC that will pay for the remainder of your tuition, as well as help pay for cost of living expenses.
If you are (or will be) a freshman and are currently enlisted, you are eligible for SMP at the beginning of your sophomore year. For your first year you can still enroll in ROTC classes, and drill with your unit, but are not formally in the SMP. If you are a sophomore or higher and currently enlisted, you must enroll in the SMP to enroll in ROTC.
To get into the SMP, students with no prior military service will attend Basic Combat Training (BCT) and Advanced Individual Training (AIT) during the summer and will be assigned to a local National Guard or Reserve unit upon completion of training. (Prospective cadets with prior military experience may simply be assigned to a unit.)
It is possible to join the ARNG and enroll in ROTC without going to Basic Training, but without Basic Training and AIT you are only eligible for a fraction of the tuition benefits available.
Army ROTC offers a 2-year master’s degree program for graduate students and scholarships may be available to help pay for graduate school. You can:
- Get help paying for Graduate School!
- Receive Leadership training and development while earning your master’s degree.
- Have a career path locked up for you after college as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army whether Active Duty, Army National Guard or in the Army Reserve.
How it works:
Applicants will need to become qualified for the first two years of Army ROTC or the freshman and sophomore classes. To do this we can:
- Take our freshman and sophomore Military Science Courses prior to starting graduate school such as taking them while finishing up your bachelor’s degree.
- Attend a four-week class in the summer before your studies start.
- Join the National Guard or Army Reserve and complete Basic Training and participate in what we call the Simultaneous Membership Program.
Prospective graduate students need two years or four semesters of ROTC upper division training. This will require on average about 15 hours per week of your time for Army ROTC training.
What does it take to be an Army nurse? The answer isn't just white shoes and a stethoscope. It's not just sharp clinical skills coupled with the attributes of understanding and compassion. It is much, much more.
The profession demands the ability to think on your feet in an emergency. The ability to intuitively evaluate a situation, determine the best course of action, and take charge, which is precisely what Army ROTC is uniquely designed to teach.
You can be a nursing student in the Capital University Army ROTC program. Capital University Nursing guarantees admission to the professional nursing program for ROTC cadets who meet specific criteria. This may include direct admission to the professional nursing program for high school seniors.
- Nursing students or pre-nursing students can get started a number of different ways.
- Freshman and sophomore pre-nursing students can simply register for one of the one-credit military science electives with no commitment to the military.
- If you have at least two years remaining before graduation, you may become eligible for ROTC by attending the Leader's Training Course the summer before your junior nursing year.
- Exceptionally qualified candidates may be eligible to have the requirement to attend the Leader's Training Course waived by completing the Accelerated Cadet Commissioning Training program, it is taught on Capital Universities main campus and can be conducted in the summer or early fall.
Project Global Officer (Project GO) is a Department of Defense initiative aimed at improving the language skills, regional expertise, and intercultural communication skills of future military officers. Sponsored by the Defense Language and National Security Education Office and administered by the Institute of International Education, Project GO provides institutional grants to U.S institutions of higher education with large ROTC student enrollments, to include the Senior Military Colleges. In turn, these institutions provide language and culture training to ROTC students from across the nation, funding domestic and overseas ROTC language programs and scholarships. Working in support of Army, Air Force, and Navy ROTC Headquarters, Project GO facilitates collaborative efforts both among universities and ROTC leadership.
Project GO provides invaluable opportunities for ROTC cadets to engage in intensive language instruction and cultural immersion programs in the U.S. and overseas. It is the only source of funding available exclusively for Army, Naval, and Air Force ROTC students to study critical languages in the U.S. during the summer, and is the most accessible and flexible source of funding for summer language study overseas. Project GO has awarded approximately 6,500 scholarships to ROTC students nationwide, and will run programs in 11 different languages and 14 countries in summer 2023. As an initiative of the Defense Language and National Security Education office, Project GO develops ROTC students’ regional knowledge and strengthens their intercultural communication skills, preparing them to be effective military officers in the future.
While in school, contracted Army ROTC cadets can earn up to $3,000 per year while taking courses designed to teach the student how to speak, read, write, or interpret approved foreign languages through the Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus (FLPB). After they graduate, they could earn up to $500/month for their proficiency in one of these languages if they earn a score of 4/4 on the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) scale.
The purpose of the Cultural and Language Incentive Program – Bonus (CLIP-B) program is to promote the study of languages and cultural studies that are of importance to the Army. Contracted Cadets in good standing may request CLIP-B payments. Classes taken during the same term that the Cadet contracted are eligible. Languages identified in the Department of Defense Strategic Language List provide the foundation of what languages will be authorized for CLIP-B payment. Culture classes can be submitted if you provide a class description. Approval will be based on the description of the class. If the class does not meet the criteria, then you will be notified in writing. If the Cadet has met the maximum amount allowed of $3000 for the academic year, you will also be notified.
Frequently Asked Questions
No. Students who enroll in ROTC don’t join the Army. They take an ROTC class for which they receive credit. It’s considered a college elective.
No. ROTC cadets go directly to college where they earn their degree.
Quite simply, leadership and management skills needed to become a U.S. Army officer or have a successful civilian career
Students in ROTC learn through a unique program that involves both classroom and “live” situations. For instance, an ROTC cadet might be found leading classmates through adventure training, down a river in a raft, or up a mountain wall.
During the first two years, ROTC cadets have no military obligation (unless they are a scholarship winner).
ROTC programs are divided into phases: The Basic Course studies Army history, organization and structure. The techniques and principles of leadership and management are stressed throughout. The Advanced Course concentrates on tactical operations and military instruction, as well as advanced techniques of management, leadership, and command.
Yes. Each year hundreds of students attending colleges nationwide receive ROTC scholarships. ROTC awards them to students studying science, engineering, nursing, business, as well as a variety of other majors. Click here to learn more about ROTC scholarships.
A common misconception for many prospective students is that Army ROTC is not an option for graduate students. Joining Army ROTC and becoming an officer is definitely possible as a graduate student but requires planning. Since a graduate student will automatically start off in the junior year of Army ROTC, certain requirements must be met even before a student begins their graduate program in order to make up the prerequisite 100 and 200 level ROTC courses.
Admissions and Recruiting
Students who want to join the Army ROTC Comet Battalion must first be accepted to Capital University or one of our many cross-town schools, including Columbus State Community College, Denison University, Franklin University, Ohio Dominican University, Ohio Wesleyan University or Otterbein University.
Already accepted at Capital University and wish to join our team?
Capital University Army ROTC’s recruiting staff are always available to provide information and guidance. Once accepted to Capital or one of our Cross-Town Schools, you may apply to join Capital University Army ROTC.
Call 614-787-3808 or stop by the Army ROTC office at 583 Sheridan Avenue, Columbus, OH 43209 and talk to our recruiter about joining the program!
Transferring To Capital University?
Transfer students are always welcome to join the Army ROTC Comet Battalion. In order to qualify, you must meet the following criteria:
- You will need a 2.5 cumulative grade point average (on a 4.0 scale) for all previous college work.
- If you have fewer than 30 semester college credit hours, we’ll also use your high school information in making admission decisions.
- You must also be in good academic and social standing at the last institution you attended.
Contact Us
About the Comet Battalion
Ranger Challenge
The Brigade Ranger Challenge is the Army ROTC Varsity Sport. Teams form early in the semester and train rigorously, gearing up for an intense competition that's all about pushing limits, both physically and mentally. It's not your average competition. Teams come together early in the semester and work really hard to get ready. The Ranger Challenge team goes up against other colleges, doing tough physical and mental challenges. It's not just about being fit, it's also about being a strong team. The team trains together and builds tight friendships. The Ranger Challenge is more than a contest, it's a way for these cadets to show off their skills and teamwork.
Color Guard
The Comet Battalion Honor Guard takes on the important duty of presenting the colors at various events throughout the academic year, including football and basketball games and special occasions. As a prominent element of the Comet Battalion, the Color Guard operates under the responsibility of upholding an exceptional standard of appearance and conduct, especially when in the public eye. Cadets within the Color Guard not only present the colors with precision but also learn and practice drill and ceremony to prepare for their significant role.
Community Outreach
The Comet Battalion actively engages in community outreach opportunities, providing avenues for our members to contribute meaningfully and make a positive impact. From participating in recruiting events to organizing our annual 5K, Suits for Heroes, Campus Move-In, and various other community service initiatives, we believe in giving back to the community that surrounds us.